about me

who i am

I'm Ashley. Reader, writer, special education teacher, swimmer, dreamer, circus ringleader,  wannabe Mensan, gatekeeper, photographer, ex-gifted-child, comedienne, girl, human.

I want to change the world.

I am within spitting distance of the finish line of my first year of teaching. I work at an engineering arts magnet school in the southern US. I love my job and my school. I hate the location.

I teach small people who need social, emotional, and/or behavioral support. Some of them have huge problems; some of them do not have much of a problem at all. Some of them are highly gifted, some of them are average. Some of them are adorable; some are standoffish. I love them all, even when they are hard to love.

I am not entirely neurotypical. Some of my kids are the same kind of different as me; some of them are not. Either way, I understand them better because of who and how I am.